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Making Photos with Dad & Instagrammer Michael Pinet

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Even though we live in the same city, we only know Instagrammer Michael Pinet via pleasant email conversations and his architecturally inclined Instagram account.  The desaturated and texture rich aesthetic of his feed always has us staring at every detail a little longer than usual.

With Father’s Day around the corner, we thought it was only appropriate to delve a little deeper into Michael’s home life as a Dad, and his tips on capturing textures.  Below, Michael explains what it means to make photos…

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6 Weekend Activities to Inspire Great Photos

Posted by | Kids, Photography, Tips, Travel, Uncategorized | No Comments

These days, finding and planning that perfect weekend activity gets us going all week, especially if that excursion also happens to be photo-worthy.

During our own quest for fun and unique weekend adventures, we’ve laid out our top 6 ideas for experiences that are amusing and will surely inspire you to take a few snaps… Weekend activities fit for anyone who’s wanting to make the most of the outdoors and the days ahead.  Get ready to take your weekending to the next level, with the first part of our series.

Part two can be found here.

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Anna Ciolina's wall arrangement of Impressed prints

Kids Décor + Being a Mom-trepreneur

Posted by | DIY, Kids, Photo Books, Photo Prints, Travel, Uncategorized, Washi Tape | No Comments

Between styling kids décor, Instagram-ing, photographing children and being a Mom-trepreneur, Anna Ciolina is one busy lady.

We first discovered Anna through her minimalistic and modern Instagram gallery, and were instant admirers.  Despite the ocean and timezones separating us (Rotterdam is where Anna calls home), we were grateful to connect and collaborate on the newest DIY Deco Kit. 

For this month’s edition of the Impressed DIY Deco Kit, Mom-trepreneur (to the sweetest little girl, Stella) and talented photographer Anna chose to create a binding kit for your prints.

Below, Anna gives us the lowdown on how she juggles memory-making with the little one, work and play.  Read on!

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Coachella 2015 Instagram Round-up

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We love the start of Spring because it means we get to follow along as Instagrammers share their music festival adventures.  With Coachella weekend two behind us, we thought it was an appropriate time for a quick roundup of some of our favorite Instagram shots of the fest.  For more, be sure to have a look at #coachella2015 on Instagram or click one of the Instagrammers below to have a peek at their experience.

[Our Instagram round-up of Coachella 2015]

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Brunching + Exploring México City with cestmaria

Posted by | Photography, Tips, Travel, Uncategorized | No Comments
On a recent trip to Mexico City, we were really excited to have the chance to connect with Marioly Vazquez of @cestmaria in person.  Living over 550 miles North in Monterrey, Maria was kind enough to make the trip down so we could have a day of brunching and exploring in México D.F.  Today’s Instagram feed is filled with photos of our findings from that day, and below, Maria gives us an inside peek into her favorite hidden gems, as well as a few creative tips on how to spot and photograph them.  

We had to get at least one picture together(especially considering we practically matched)

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Instagrammer @anyeske talks iPhone photography and the coolest NYC spots.

Posted by | Photo Prints, Photography, Travel, Uncategorized | No Comments
This past week, we were lucky to have Alex Yeske, the talent behind the @anyeske Instagram account, take over our feed and give us a little tour of her favorite New York City and Brooklyn haunts.  Her airy feed is what attracted us initially, but we can’t get enough of her manicures, minimalist décor shots and occasional sprinkling of California beach scenes.  Below, we get to know Alex a little bit better and get a glimpse into her life as a New Yorker.

[shot of Maryam Nassir Zadeh boutique in NYC from @anyeske’s takeover of the Impressed Instagram feed]

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Say hello to talented Instagrammer @apebalsom

Posted by | Photo Prints, Photography, Travel, Uncategorized | No Comments
This past week, we were lucky to have Aprille Balsom, the talent behind the @apebalsom Instagram account, take over our feed and give us a little tour of LA on a recent work trip.  Besides crisp and cozy photographs, her feed is also chock-full of adventures, fashion and a cute French bulldog named Bug.  Below, we get to know Aprille a little bit better and get a glimpse into what makes this girl tick…

[LA palms from @apebalsom’s takeover of the Impressed Instagram feed]

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